Last update: 1.11 Tue Jul 20 16:27:36 MEST 2004 AB INSTALLING girBLDRS pipe 1. Unpacking You may set PIP_SRC to $PWD and PIP_VERS to 1.11 for further usage, for C-shell like: setenv PIP_VER 1.11 setenv PIP_SRC `pwd` Unpack the archive if you have not done so already, run the following two commands: gunzip girbldrs-pipe-${PIP_VER}.tar.gz # uncompress the archive tar -xf girbldrs-pipe-${PIP_VER}.tar # unpack it This will create a girbldrs-pipe-${PIP_VER} directory containing the following files and directories: bin/ - scripts pipe/config - config files pipe/doc - documentation - installation script COPYING - GPL license INSTALL - This file TESTING 2. Prerequisites. A. requirements for the install and check the pipe - girBLDRS installed - gnu UNIX commands: gawk cat touch sort join uniq head tail (check using : which gawk cat touch sort join uniq head tail) B. requirements to reduce data - calibration data installed . ......... OBSOLETE no more supported ...... . C. requirements to run the pipe GUI . . - perl and perlTk widgets installed . ............................................. 3. Setting up environment Set GIR_ROOT variable defining where the root girBLDRS directory is. You must define some environment variables for the build process We assume taht the required gisBLDRS package is already installed so this is done by running the girbldrs setup script. If your shell is bash, ksh, zsh or sh (dots to be replaced): . ${GIR_ROOT}/share/bin/ In case your shell is csh or tcsh (dots to be replaced): source ${GIR_ROOT}/share/bin/girbldrs.csh The installation will give an error message and will not proceed otherwise. 4. Installing. In the source code top directory: PIP_SRC, cd ${PIP_SRC}/girbldrs-pipe-${PIP_VER} then, if your shell is bash, ksh, zsh or sh: ./ 2>&1 | tee buildall.log or ./ > buildall.log 2>&1 In case your shell is csh or tcsh: ./ |& tee buildall.log or ./ >& buildall.log This will install the girBLDRS pipe scripts in ${GIR_ROOT}/share/bin and the girBLDRS pipe configuration files and data in ${GIR_ROOT}/pipe 5. Testing the installation Check that pipe was correctly installed. If any test a.-c. fail it is useless to continue, you must check the prerequistes. a. pipe -l # will display a short list of available recipes b. pipe test # will test pipe execution and prints following line You should have GIRAFFExxxNGCnnnn.fits after : GIRAFFExxxNGCnnnn.fits c. pipe -t test # you should have following output | Pipe definition files used: your_installation_path/pipe/config/t0.lst | and: your_installation_path/config/pipe0.r | | Command: lt < $tfile \ | | ficom test,_TESTNAME_ \ | | rr RAW=_RAW_ NAM=_NAM_ \ | | pyrectest - -v \ | (Begin source: file pipeD0.lst/formated by pipe.fmt.txt) | PIPE parameters | | Name : test | Section : Test | Purpose : test pipe name replacement | | Priority : Any | | Inputs: file_name - relevant_pythone_function(internal_nu) | | 01 INPUT1 - test (0) | 02 INPUT2 - test (0) | | Outputs: file_name - relevant_pythone_function(internal_nu) | | 01 OUTPUT1 - test (0) | 02 OUTPUT2 - test (0) | | Quality control | | | Examples executables from ..../NGC2243/reduced directory (data in ..../NGC2243/raw assumed) | | pipe test RAW=GIRAFFExxx NAM=NGCnnnn | | Options: nu name[default] (possible values) - short description | | 01 TESTNAME=[test1] (test1) - pipe test | | Parameters: nu name[default] (possible values) - short descriptions | | 01 NAM=[NGCnnnn] (Any name) - last part of the filename | 02 RAW=[GIRAFFExxx] (Filename) - Full name of the RAW input image (.fits ... | | (End source: file pipeD0.lst/formated by pipe.fmt.txt) | | command | ------- | echo You should have GIRAFFExxxNGCnnnn.fits after : GIRAFFExxxNGCnnnn.fits 6. Testing the data reduction. read file TESTING or INSTALL_EXAMPLE 7. Documentaion Postscript and pdf documentation is included in the girbldrs-1.11/DOC/ReferenceManual* On line documentation 'pipe -t' or 'pipe -T'. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Copyright (C) 2000-2002,2003 Gilles Simond Observatoire de Geneve, CH-1290 Geneve, Switzerland Last update: 1.11 Tue Jul 20 16:27:36 MEST 2004 AB __o0o__